Teens for Cancer Prevention is an organisation started in 2021, comprising almost 400 volunteers across 11 countries. TCP was created to raise awareness of cancer stereotypes, utilise teenage talent to combat a severe illness, and ensure no one hears the words, "You have cancer".
TCP volunteers are passionate about dissolving myths and providing information and knowledge about the widespread yet somehow taboo topic- cancer. One of our many ways of educating ourselves and the public was events. TCP successfully conducted its first virtual live event called "The Silent Disaster: Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Prevention". Attended by over 90 people, speakers included Padma Shri winner Dr Ravi Kannan; Founder of Sanjeevani - Life Beyond Cancer, Ms Ruby Ahluwalia; expert researcher, professor, and clinical scientist at WHO, Dr Ravi Mehrotra; and CEO of Bangalore-based hospice Karunashraya, Mr Mathew Chandy.
To involve more teens and allow them to join TCP as volunteers, we started Chapters- clubs run by TCP volunteers to conduct workshops, events and campaigns in localities on a ground level. So far, 20 chapters have fundraised 70K INR. The work was furthered through our initiatives:
Fundraising money for patients - COVID-19 has cut cancer funding by over $200 million. Our chapters in the US/UK are fundraising money for financially sensitive patients. With just $100, we can support patients in India with one chemotherapy cycle.
Tobacco Campaign - Passing laws to reduce flavoured tobacco in specific regions in California.
SMILE Kits Campaign - Our chapters in India create kits that contain thoughtful messages and items, including masks, infographics, cards, sanitiser, etc. Our kits are intended for the emotional support of patients.
Out of our many teams, including content, events, chapters and social media, the research team writes research papers on specific cancers, possible cures and other such topics. Over 25 researchers are investigating FBXP27 and its oncogenic properties, including the expression in the body, expression in cancer/human tissues, and more. In collaboration with researchers at MIT, the team is on its way to a publication in a medical journal.
If you would like to join us and help us further our impact, email us at teensforcancerpatients@gmail.com!