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Radon Gases Causing Cancer

Rishika Reddy

Radon gases may be something we all never came across. Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among Non Smokers. Smoking might be one of the main causes of cancer but alongside it comes this gas.

Radon is a radioactive gas emitted when uranium, thorium or radium which are radioactive metals break down in rocks, soil and groundwater. People can be exposed to radon from breathing radon in air that comes through cracks and gaps in buildings and homes. It's responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year, along which 2,900 of deaths occur from people who have never smoked. Studies have suggested that Radon exposure may be linked to other types of cancer as well, one being child leukemia.

The main disadvantage of this gas is that you cannot smell or see it, which is why you need to do regular tests which requires equipment. The most easiest and simplest way to reduce this gas is by having good indoor ventilations. Such include opening ur balcony doors and windows. These small changes may save you a less chance of not getting affected by cancer.

How does this gas cause cancer?

Radon decays quickly thus giving off tiny radioactive particles. When this is being inhaled, radioactive particles can damage the cells that line the lung. Long-term exposure to radon can lead to lung cancer, which is the only cancer proven to be associated with inhaling radon.

What are the symptoms of radon poisoning?

Radon is all around us. Moreover, you’re breathing it in every day, even if it’s at a low level. You can’t tell if you’re breathing it in at a high level. The danger in radon exposure is that you can’t see it, taste it, or smell it. And you won’t have any symptoms to alert you.

Are there any chances of recovering from radon exposure?

There is no such cure for radon exposure. The tiny particles of radon release alpha radiation that can damage lung cells, thus causing lung cancer. The damage caused by the radiation cannot be reversed.

Radon is part of the environment and generally isn’t that harmful. But long-term exposure to high level of radon can put you at risk of developing lung cancer, for both non smokers and highly for people who smoke.




@ Teens for Cancer Patients

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